It aired initially on YouTube on January 2, 2025. I look forward to having more candid discussions on all things spiritual with Heather.
Aired initially on YouTube on December 31, 2024 - my mama's 7th anniversary of her passing. It was a gift and a joy to remember and honor her with the courage to share my story.
Original Airdate of September 26, 2024. IANDS Northern Virginia
Originally Aired on YouTube on June 17, 2023
103,835 view as of August 30, 2023. Next Level Soul Podcast
Originally Aired on YouTube on October 23, 2023, with 24,690 views within 24 hours.
386 views Aug 4, 2023
Episode 47 is Part 2 of 2 beginning with Episode 46 of In A Good Way Podcast. In this Episode we had the honor of receiving a Soul Reading from @NDE_Wise.MariaLupitaGurule Maria Lupita Gurulé who is an NDE survivor and Soul Reader plus Medium.
Originally Aired on YouTube on July 29, 2023
1,033 views as of October 23, 2023
In Episode 46 of In A Good Way Podcast we had the honor of interviewing @NDE_Wise.MariaLupitaGurule Maria Lupita Gurulé who is an NDE survivor and Soul Reader plus Medium. Soon after giving birth Maria died and was shown the other side before making her way back into her physical body. Listen to Maria's incredible story and watch Part 2 of this interview for a Soul Reading Maria performed on me which was mind blowing! Contact Maria at the links below! / soulreadermarialupita
Originally aired on YouTube on December 24, 2022
with 246,045 views as of August 30, 2023
Video Description provided by Other Side NDE
#neardeathexperience #nde #neardeathexperiences
Maria Lupita Gurule's NDE (Near Death Experience) trip to the afterlife. Today's video is a near death experience NDE that a woman named Maria Lupita Gurule had during a pregnancy.
Originally Aired on YouTube on April 24, 2023
2,311 views as of August 30, 2023
Originally aired on YouTube on April 20, 2023
with 1,890 views as of August 30, 2023
Originally aired on YouTube on Feb 13, 2023
with 30,209 views as of August 30, 2023
Video Description provided by Pegi Robinson:
NDE TV Host Pegi Robinson presents Maria Lupita Gurule. Maria had a very long and detailed Near-Death Experience that you don't want to miss! Maria had to undergo a tubal ligation after the birth of her second child, for the safety of the mother and future children. During that surgery complications occurred . Maria popped out of her body and entered another realm with beings.
Since I made the decision to go public in the Fall of 2020, I have been building and developing a library of videos to help explain the nature of life and the art of living. There, I share the things I've learned about living through dying.
19,412 Views as of August 30, 2023
On March 1, 2021, I was invited to be a guest speaker on the paranormal JeffMara Podcast to share about my near-death experience. In this interview, I share things I have never shared before. This experience I describe and explain sets the foundation of who I am. Watching this video will provide context for everything else yet to come. Be sure to watch Part II, recorded March 22, 2021.
I invite you to watch with an open mind and discover how I became a Psychic Medium, a Mystic, a Wisdom Keeper.
17,320 Views as of August 30, 2023
On March 22, 2021, I was invited back as a guest speaker on the paranormal JeffMara Podcast to share even more about my near-death experience. In this second interview, I go even deeper and discuss the "Absolute Law of One." Because this is so complex, please understand that to fully grasp these principles, it requires one to have attained, achieved, or otherwise acquire a level of spiritual understanding. Be sure to first see Part I, recorded March 1, 2021.
Thank you, Jeff, for the opportunity.
On September 1, 2020, I took a leap of faith and recorded this very first attempt to explain or describe publicly, my near-death experience.
This is my first ever attempt of going public with my Near-Death Experience. Never before then did I have the courage to "just do it" but I just trusted and put myself out there anyway! This video was unplanned, unscripted, unorganized, and non-outlined. I was aware of the deeper parts yet resisting sharing it all. I posted it anyway and am so thankful I did! This first video is a very summarized version of my near-death experience. It was my very first ever YouTube video and the very FIRST time I ever shared my NDE with the public. As a result and in my nervousness and emotion, I left out a lot - by choice. I struggled with releasing. The part most excluded was my spiritual, religious experience, and how I made peace with it.
On July 31, 2021, I created this follow-up video about my near-death experience. Because I had never shared it before, I struggled with parts of the video in the beginning, because I did not know how much to share. There's a moment where I was choosing whether I wanted to share it or not, so I didn't. I did not have the words to express it, explain it, recount it. And even now, after this other short video, there are still so many parts of my near-death experience that I still have not shared and am not sure if I will - unless I'm guided to release it. These two videos barely begin to scratch the surface.
In this video I explain what it felt like when I came back after my near-death experience, only to discover psychic and mediumship abilities that I did not want. Let's continue the story....
In the spring and summer of 2021, I had the great honor and privilege of being interviewed by two podcasts. Scroll below for the direct links to each episode.
1) "Death & Decay" with Marissa Lucero, based in Santa Fe, New Mexico; and
2) "Spirit Sisters" with Karina Machado, based in Australia
I am deeply honored and eternally grateful to both ladies for having been given the experience and opportunity to share the story of my near-death experience with people both locally and around the world. I am thankful to share what I have learned about living through dying.
Oh goodness... There is so much I want to say and share that I don't even know where to begin. In the meantime, and as I write my story that will be uploaded here soon, I invite you to keep joining me as the site develops.
I look forward to sharing and growing together and hope you'll join me.
If you want to read a full professional bio (that needs updating) you're welcome to look and explore by clicking on the "Read 2014 Bio" button.
After my near-death experience (NDE), I had many miraculous and unexplainable metaphysical and para-psychological experiences I wasn't prepared for. In my seeking to understand my NDE and, in my need to cope with my newly discovered Gifts of the Spirit (psychic and medium) abilities, I've spent the last 23 years discovering, learning, and fine-tuning my abilities. As a result, I have a multitude of professional certifications.
I LOVE my logo, because it's not just a logo.
I Trust. I Believe. I have Faith!
Watch this brief introduction video. Subscribe to my YouTube channel.
This video explains how my guides and angels help me.
Spoiler alert: I survive and am learning to thrive!
I had the honor of being interviewed on Next Level Soul about my NDE. The original air date of the interview is June 17, 2023. Thank you, Alex! I look forward to the next one when my book is published.
María Lupita Gurulé
Santa Fe, New Mexico
Copyright ©2025 Maria Guadalupe Salomé Gurulé - All Rights Reserved.
In all, may we see Truth, Beauty, and Goodness.